Friday, 12 September 2014

Test Day Instructions of NAT-NTS

Test Day Instructions

Please follow these instructions carefully

The chief supervisor has complete authority to cancel any paper at any stage if the activities of the candidate are found against the discipline.

How to Fill the Answer Sheet

One page printed answer sheet is provided to answer the questions. Use only ball pen (black / blue) to shade / fill the circles. (bring pen / clip board with you, erasing materials are not allowed.) Answer sheet contains five circles containing five options of answer for one question, containing alphabets from A to E inside, against each question number. The candidate has to completely shade / fill one circle that he / she thinks is correct. For example the candidate feels that the correct answer of the given question is 'A', then he / she may shade / fill the circle containing alphabet 'A' with ball pen like this:

Personal Information on Answer Sheet

The answer sheet contains personal data of candidate on the top of the sheet. It has candidates'. name, father name, roll number and photograph. The candidate is required to critically check these fields and sign in the required space. If any field of personal information is found in-correct the candidate must inform the invigilator present around.
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